
Thank you for choosing us to receive and transfer your firearm.

Before moving forward with your internet purchase, email or call to see if we have the item in stock or can order it. Many times we can order the firearm and/or offer it at the same or better price than you are finding it on the internet. You will avoid the transfer fee if purchased from us.


  1. Complete your purchase transaction with the seller. (Will not complete private party transfers; only from licensee to non-licensee)
  2. Have the seller email us for a copy of our FFL/SOT at
  3. Forward any tracking information, if provided by the seller, to us at the same email address.
  4. The item arrives with copy of invoice, your contact info, and copy of seller’s FFL.
  5. We will contact you to let you know when the item is available for transfer (typical availability: recv’d before 3p – same day, recv’d after 3p – next day)
  6. Come to the shop. Bring: Drivers License and GA issued Weapons Carry License (WCL) if you have one.
  7. We will complete Form 4473 and run your background check (if no WCL)
  8. Pay Transfer Fee (credit card or cash)
  9. WCL or “Proceed” result on background check
  10. Firearm transferred to you!

Transfer Fees:

  • Handgun or Long Gun $40 ($25 if you have purchased firearms directly from us in the last year)
  • Suppressor, Short Barreled Rifle, or other NFA item $100 ($75 if you have purchased firearms directly from us in the last year, $55 if you have purchased an NFA item directly from us in the past year)
  • Storage Fee of $1.50 per business day apply for items retrieved more than 5 business days from receipt and notification.
  • Items that have been held for six (6) months and not transferred are forfeited to our possession.